Say Hello to Another Anarchist Woodworker &#8211

“Anarchism” is such a dirty, loaded and misunderstood word that I truly hesitated to use it as the title of the book “The Anarchist’s Tool Chest.”

Several people have suggested that I chose the word as a marketing ploy. If I did, then I’m a marketing moron because the book’s title has hurt sales. My mailbox has been stuffed by people who will never buy the book simply because I used that word.

But it is the right word. And when I see the word used in context and used correctly, it gives me hope.

Woodworker Adam Godet in Washington, D.C., has started a blog at his site: And the first post is his take on the topic of anarchy in the workshop. It’s a good read, and I’ve added his blog to by RSS feed – and crossed my fingers.

— Christopher Schwarz

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