Why We Don’t Stream Videos from the Shop &#8211


Pretty much every time we announce an event here at the storefront, people request that we stream it live on the web or create a video we can post on the blog or YouTube.

We don’t do this for a variety of reasons.

  1. The storefront is a nightmare for audio recording. We have high ceilings and tons of hard surfaces. Even with good audio equipment (a TV station was here) and ideal conditions, the audio sucks.
  2. We don’t have the equipment or people to do a good job. I am so picky about video. If we’re going to do video, it’s going to be a high-quality production. That means at least two cameras. So there will be some editing, which takes up time we don’t have.
  3. I don’t want the videotaping to interfere with the actual live experience. People travel here from all over the world. Their visit here is tacked onto their vacations. Or they travel here specifically to come take a class or visit our open day. Real life is real important to me. I’d rather reach just a handful of people and do it well than reach a thousand people in a halfhearted way.
  4. We have about 10 other projects that are a higher priority than streaming video from the shop. I know this means we are out of step with the rest of the world and all the videos on YouTube. But I’m OK with that.

So until I find a way that we can produce high-quality video (and audio) in a way that doesn’t gobble our time and doesn’t interfere with the people who traveled hundreds of miles to be here, I’m afraid the best way to visit here is to come here.

I know that not everyone can manage a trip – financially or time-wise. Sadly, we also can’t manage filming events – financially or time-wise.

— Christopher Schwarz

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