A Review from ‘The Unplugged Shop’ &#8211

I have never solicited reviews of my work, which is why you’ll never see a blurb on a Lost Art Press Book that reads, “It’s better than ‘Cats!’ I’ll read it again and again.” — Abraham Lincoln.

In this business we have an extremely crude but accurate expression for this sort of marketing tactic – ask me about it over a beer some day. The more polite term is “logrolling.”

Because we don’t roll logs, reviews of our books are more idiosyncratic – they are from readers who bought the book or traded us some cheese for it. But you can bet that the reviews are genuine.

This week, Luke Townsley at the Unplugged Shop wrote a nice review on his site. A brief excerpt:

“Until now, I have been unable to find a discussion on building traditional tool chests that was sufficiently detailed so one could actually adapt it for personal use. Chris Schwarz’ book does just that. And that is really, really important.”

You can read the full review here. The book “The Anarchist’s Tool Chest” is available in our store, as is the T-shirt that goes with the book. It sports the same square debossed on the book’s cover. My wife, Lucy, actually asked to have one of these shirts – a first!

— Christopher Schwarz

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