This May: Iowa or Bust &#8211


If you are a hand-tool woodworker, you owe it to yourself to ditch your job for a couple days and head to Amana, Iowa, for the Handworks event on May 24-25, 2013.

Of course, Lost Art Press be there with a big group of friends. We will have all our books to show. Tool chests? Sure. Beer? Probably. A stomach pump? No. A redheaded editor? Indeed.

But that’s not all.

If you have any interest in the tool chest of H.O. Studley, then Handworks should not be missed. Why?

1. Don Williams, the author of the forthcoming book on Studley, will be there to discuss his research in detail and provide a first glimpse at some of the thousands of incredible photographs Narayan Nayar has taken of the chest during our documentary trips in the last two years.

2. We will be selling there – and only there – 50 brass thickness calipers based off the original in the Studley tool chest. We’ve commissioned a machinist/woodworker/computer guy to make them for us, and work is proceeding.

Price: $45.

So go to the Handworks page here at Register. The event is free. It’s going to be something that people talk about for many years to come – like the first Woodworking in America.

— Christopher Schwarz

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