Sustainability at : Carbon neutral in cooperation with ClimatePartner –

Sustainability is a top priority at Nuki and deeply rooted in our corporate values. In 2020, Nuki was certified as carbon neutral in cooperation with ClimatePartner. At the start of 2021, so was the Nuki Smart Lock. Wherever possible, we seek to avoid and reduce emissions along our entire production and supply chain: For instance, our Nuki Smart Locks are manufactured in Europe, which means that transport routes are shorter. Nevertheless, in the production of our smart door locks, raw materials, packaging, logistics and disposal result in CO2 emissions. To compensate for these emissions, we support an international carbon offset project in cooperation with ClimatePartner.

“Climate protection and the economy must not exclude one another. I am glad to have found a reliable ally in ClimatePartner, so that we could achieve this personal goal of mine very early on in Nuki’s journey – our company is climate neutral.”

Martin Pansy, CEO of Nuki Home Solutions GmbH

What does “carbon neutral” mean?

To begin with, ClimatePartner calculates the relevant CO2 emissions of our company. This analysis along with a yearly update helps us in taking the necessary steps to reduce and avoid emissions wherever we can. The amount of CO2 that cannot be avoided in the production process can then be compensated with our support of carbon offset projects. Every project by ClimatePartner is certified by the highest international standards and is being reviewed by independent third parties. This ensures the security and authenticity of the entire TÜV-Austria-certified process.

“In addition to a climate-neutral company, I also consider climate-neutral products to be part of sustainability. The calculation of the product carbon footprint shows some areas for the breakdown of emissions. This highlights numerous possibilities for improving the products for additional climate-neutral alternatives and solutions for Nuki.”

Thomas Kothgasser, Head of the Nuki & ClimatePartner climate protection project

Support of carbon offset projects

Currently, we are supporting the project Plastic Bank. Its goal is to reduce the amount of plastic that ends up in the sea: In Haiti, Indonesia, Brazil and the Philippines local residents collect plastic waste. Through Plastic Bank they can then exchange it for money, food supplies, drinking water or school fees at collection centres. The ocean stores large amounts of heat as well as CO2, which is why keeping it clean is an essential step in the fight against global warming. To actively compensate for our CO2 emissions, ClimatePartner supports several projects to make the use of sustainable energy a more viable option. This includes the realisation of new solar plants in select Indian federal states, as well as wind farms in the Philippines and the Caribbean. You can find more about these projects here.

“Nuki shows in an exemplary way what holistically thought and lived sustainability is. The company consistently follows this path and continuously increases the scope of its climate protection measures – from the climate-neutral company headquarters to the products. We are pleased to be able to accompany and support this path with our expertise.”

Jakob Sterlich, Head of ClimatePartner Austria

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