How Much Money Can You Save with a Smart Home?


How Much Money Can You Save with a Smart Home? 

How Much Money Can You Save with a Smart Home?

Table of contents

Quick Answer

Using smart home gadgets could cut down your utility bills by about 10-30%. This means a potential saving of between $200 and $600 each year. This estimate is derived from EnergyStar’s data, indicating that the average American spends approximately $2,000 annually on utilities.

  • Smart thermostats: 40% on heating (about $100 annually)
  • Smart lighting: 20-40% on lighting costs (about $25-75 annually)
  • Smart plugs: 5-10% on standby energy (about $100 annually)
  • Smart water devices: 10,000 gallons of water savings
  • Smart curtains: 10-25% on energy cost (about $150 combined HVAC and lighting savings)


Is your monthly energy bill through the roof? With smart home technology, you can take control of your home’s energy use and put some money back in your wallet. Smart devices like thermostats, lighting, and appliances can make your home smarter and more efficient. Keep reading to learn how much you could potentially save on your utility bills by going smart.

Cut heating and cooling costs with smart thermostats

Cut heating and cooling costs with smart thermostats

One of the biggest energy drains in your home is the heating and cooling system. Smart thermostats can help optimize your home’s temperature. These thermostats learn your schedule and habits and automatically adjust the temperature when you are away or sleeping. This prevents heating or cooling an empty home, which wastes energy.

Smart thermostats can save homeowners an average of 40% on HVAC energy consumption. In the hot summer months, the percentage of savings from smart cooling can be even higher.

Save on lighting with smart bulbs and switches

Traditional incandescent and halogen bulbs waste a lot of energy producing light. Smart LED bulbs can cut lighting costs significantly. LED bulbs use at least 75% less power and last up to 25 times longer than traditional bulbs.With smart lighting, you also save energy by controlling lights remotely. No more coming home to find lights left on all day! Features like schedules, occupancy sensing, and automation ensure lights are only on when needed. Overall, smart lighting can reduce lighting costs by about 40%. For the average home, that’s around $75 annually.

Save on lighting with smart bulbs and switches

Plug leaking energy with smart plugs

Lots of appliances and electronics use energy even when switched off. This “phantom” or standby load wastes electricity. Smart plugs make it easy to combat this energy drain.

By cutting standby power to devices when not in use, smart plugs can save the average home about 5-10% on electricity bills, or $100 annually. Although not a huge savings for one device, this adds up when applied across multiple appliances, electronics, and chargers.

Plug leaking energy with smart plugs

Use smart curtains to optimize lighting

Smart motorized curtains and blinds have emerged as another way to cut energy costs in your home. These smart shading devices can automatically adjust throughout the day to control natural light filtering into your home. Studies show that optimizing daylight can reduce lighting costs by as much as 46%.

Smart curtains also help regulate temperatures. Closing curtains or blinds during hot summer days keeps your home cooler and reduces air conditioning costs. Opening them on winter days enables free solar heating that reduces your heating system’s workload. Overall, smart curtains may help cut energy costs by around 10-25%.
Smart curtains offer additional cost savings by protecting furniture and flooring. Automated shades lower when the sun is strongest to prevent the fading of fabrics and floor materials. This extends the life of expensive furnishings. Smart curtains also provide security and privacy through remote operation while you are away from home.

Use smart curtains to optimize lighting

Prevent leaks and save water

Smart water valves and leak detectors are a must-have if you’re concerned about home damage from undetected leaks. A small drip can waste thousands of gallons over weeks or months. Smart sensors can detect even small leaks and automatically shut off water to prevent catastrophic damage.Outdoor smart irrigation controllers save water by automatically adjusting watering schedules based on weather and soil moisture data. One estimate found smart water leak detectors may save households around 10,000 gallons of water annually.

Prevent leaks and save water

Make appliances smarter

Although not yet widespread, smart appliance features can also lead to energy savings in the future. Smart refrigerators, washers, dryers, and more are emerging that can diagnose problems, alert homeowners to needed maintenance, and recommend energy-saving cycles. By catching issues early, costly appliance repairs or replacements can potentially be avoided.

Make appliances smarter

Reduce false alarms with smart security

Traditional home security systems are prone to false alarms, which incur fines in many municipalities after multiple occurrences. Smart security systems use technology like motion sensors and live video cameras to confirm real threats and reduce false alarms. This saves homeowners money while still providing 24/7 monitoring and emergency dispatch.

Reduce false alarms with smart security

Other ways smart homes save

Beyond the major smart devices, your smart home’s overall connectivity helps increase efficiency in subtle ways:

  • Smart features like scheduling, geofencing, and automation allow devices to turn on or off based on occupants’ locations and daily routines. This prevents energy waste from forgotten devices or unoccupied spaces.
  • Using a smart hub or app to track how much energy your home uses helps you see what’s using the most energy. This can show you where to make changes and how well those changes are working to save energy.
  • Using a smartphone app, you can control devices like lights, thermostats, or garage doors from anywhere. This means you can avoid wasting energy if you forget to turn something off, as you can do it from your phone.
Other ways smart homes save

The future of energy-efficient homes

As smart home technology improves, so will the potential energy savings. Newer devices are being designed with efficiency specifically in mind. Homes are also becoming more integrated to allow different smart products to work together seamlessly.

This integration and automation is the key to maximizing energy savings. Smart homes of the future may be able to predict usage patterns or diagnose problems before they even occur. The market for smart products is exploding, so we can expect costs to decrease and accessibility to increase.
If you’ve been considering an upgrade to smart devices, it’s a smart way to go green and cut energy costs at the same time. With proper use, smart homes can offer significant savings using today’s technology and even more in the future.


Q1: How efficient is a smart home?

A smart home can be 10-25% more energy efficient than a standard home on average. This is achieved through smart thermostats, lighting, curtains, leak detectors, and other automated features that optimize energy use. The more devices and systems connected and automated, the greater the efficiency.

Q2: Is it worth it to have a smart home?

It depends on your goals, but for many, the energy savings alone make smart homes worthwhile. Smart devices typically pay for themselves within 1-3 years through utility bill reductions. Plus, smart homes provide added benefits like convenience, security, and peace of mind.

Q3: Why are smart homes the future?

Smart home adoption is growing rapidly. As technology advances, smart devices are becoming more affordable, intuitive, and integrated. The efficiency and automation benefits are too substantial for smart homes not to continue increasing in popularity.

Q4: Is a smart home sustainable?

Smart home technology enables more sustainable living by reducing energy and water waste through automation and optimization. Many smart products are also made from recycled materials. So smart homes can be an eco-friendly choice.

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