Download a Draft of my 6-board Chest Chapter &#8211


Before you download this draft chapter from my next book, “Furniture of Necessity,” please read the following disclaimers.

1. Woodworking is an inherently dangerous activit… wait, wrong disclaimer.

Starting again.

1. This chapter has not been edited by anyone but me. It is rough, both around the edges and in the middle. If an occasional typo or dropped word makes you reach for the Valium, then make sure your prescription is up to date first.

2. The techniques discussed in this chapter might change. When I write, I build some pieces, then I write the chapter, then I build some more. Then I revise the chapter. Then I talk to a bunch of people. Build some more. Revise the chapter. This chapter is far from finished.

3. I have not added the photos or captions. This is the text. The only part where I think you will have trouble because of this omission is where I describe making an ogee. I’ll do a video on that technique in the coming days.

4. You might have questions about this chapter when you are done reading it. I cannot guarantee I’ll have answers.

5. If you build a six-board chest using techniques in this text, let me know if you find a better way to perform a certain operation. Your feedback is appreciated and desired.

So all that said, here you go. It’s a .doc file, which everyone should be able to read.


— Christopher Schwarz

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