Explained: In-depth Key Types – Life Unlocked

When you first dip your toes into the Klevio waters it may all seem really simple: you get a digital key instead of physical one and you use the Klevio App on your phone or the Klevio Dashboard on your computer to open your doors and share that key with other people if needed. But Klevio also offers some special features that can be configured to the keys. In this blog post, you’ll find out everything you need to know about different types of keys that you can use – whether you’re simply receiving them by the master key holder or sharing them to other people. 

Permanent or regular keys

When you share an ordinary copy of your key, it behaves similarly to your original keys except that they cannot be shared further to other people. This is an in-built safety measure that is the default setting for all regular shared keys.

(Re)shareable keys

(Re)shareable keys come in handy If you’re sharing keys with someone you specifically trust with distributing access to your property to other people (someone like your HR manager or partner). (Re)shareable keys will give them the ability to share copies of these keys as regular (non-shareable!) keys to other people. These keys are sometimes also just called “shareable keys”, depending on the point of view of the user. As all (re)shared keys also belong to your door, you will be able to track those keys and users the same way you would as if you’ve shared the keys yourself.

Time-limited keys

Time-limited keys are the keys that only work in a specific time frame that has been set by the key holder. This is very useful when you know in advance that the person will only need temporary access to your property, like a contractor, a cleaning service or maybe a guest visiting your Airbnb holiday let. With regular keys, you would need to go back and delete them manually once the guest or contractor had left. But time-limited keys stop working at the precise date that you set in the Dashboard or Klevio App. You can even change the time-limit of a key after you’ve already shared it by editing the key’s Key Details in Dashboard. 

App-less access

This feature enables the people you’re sharing access with to unlock your doors a set number of times from an email link rather than going through the process of downloading and registering with the Klevio App. This special email key is best suited for situations where people need one-time access and it would be too much of a hassle for them to create their own Klevio account to then just use it once.

To keep the process secure, the user will need two things to unlock the door: the email link & a code that you will need to message them separately. App-less access is limited to 5 unlock attempts and is also only valid for 15 minutes after the first time it’s been used.

When app-less access is granted, Klevio also generates an actual regular key & account for the user in the background. This means that if the person realises that they will need to unlock the door more than five times, they can still access the key afterwards by downloading and registering with the Klevio App – or at least they can until you, the owner, choose to revoke it by deleting it.

To read more about app-less access in detail, click here.

See how our customer Eat Street integrated this type of access into their service in this video of app-less access in practice.

We hope this article has helped you see how useful digital keys can be. For more information, please visit klevio.com or reach out to us at hello@klevio.com!

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