On the Matter of my Retirement &#8211

During the last month I have been asked how I am enjoying “retirement,” or if I’ve picked out a nice spacious refrigerator box for my new hobo-inspired lifestyle.

These people do not know me well.

Since June 15 I have taught four classes, taped two episodes of “The Woodwright’s Shop,” negotiated four book contracts, edited two books and built two projects in my shop at home. One’s a cabinet on commission – yay money – the other project is another one of those pesky A-squares that I put on the cover of “The Anarchist’s Tool Chest.”

This square is built from some sweet quartersawn walnut that carpenter Carl Bilderback unloaded on me (thanks Carl!). I don’t think it has been steamed. The above photo does not capture the color; the stuff is incredibly warm.

My daughter Katy and I cleaned up the beads on the square this morning, and I shot two coats of lacquer on it during lunch. Yes, I know I am going to hand-tool hell for using an HVLP sprayer. I’m OK with that.

Now I’ve got to prepare the rest of the wood for two side tables that I’m building for an upcoming DVD at Lie-Nielsen Toolworks. Saturday I leave to teach a class.

When I return, I hope to have some news on two new titles for Lost Art Press for 2011. And one of them is definitely not “Feng Shui in Your Lean-to.”

— Christopher Schwarz

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