What Are Jig Feet Buttons? Here's What You Should Know |

When shopping for workholding solutions, you may come across jig feet buttons. They are commonly used as workholding solutions in the manufacturing industry. Overview of Jig Feet Buttons Also known as jig rest buttons, jig feet buttons are workholding solutions that are designed for jigs. They provide a flat and stable surface to support a…

NAM Releases Third Quarter Manufacturers' Outlook Survey |

The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) has released its 2018 Third Quarter Manufacturers’ Outlook Survey. Available here, the survey provides insight into the current state of the American manufacturing industry. While the NAM regularly releases these surveys on the American manufacturing industry, the organization’s latest survey reveals some surprising facts. After analyzing companies’ responses, NAM…

5 Tips to Reduce Waste in the Manufacturing Industry | Blog Posts |

All businesses should take a proactive approach towards minimizing waste, and manufacturing companies are no exception. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), more than a quarter-billion tons of trash are produced in the United States each year. While it’s almost impossible to avoid all forms of waste, there are steps manufacturing companies can take…

The Beginner's Guide to Plunger-Style Door Holders | Workers & Workplace |

Door holders are available in different styles. There are T-style door holders, for instance, as well as plunger-style door holders. You can use either of them to hold doors open. T-style door holders live up to their namesake by featuring a T-shaped hook. Plunger-door holders, on the other hand, feature a different design that involves…

What's the Difference between Bolts and Screws? |

It’s a common assumption that bolts are screws refer to the same fastening hardware. But while they look similar — and have similar characteristics — they are two unique fasteners with their own unique applications. So, what’s the difference between bolts and screws? The Machinery’s Handbook explains that bolts are used to assemble to unthreaded…