#YouKnowIt The Italian Association for Contributors Light on Photovoltaic


As mentioned in some previous posts, in Italy there are about 450,000 photovoltaic systems (both domestic and business). A survey of the Italian Association for Contributors (alias Federconsumatori) says that 60% of these plants is considered inefficient.

Purchase a photovoltaic system. An investment in the environment.

How much does it cost to buy a quality photovoltaic system? One for domestic use will cost around 4,500 euro to which you must add the cost of installation and maintenance (about 6,000 euro). These plants are just sold taking advantage of incentives (almost non-existent) and tax relief. However, it is not being told that they will be repaid in 10 years.

What are the tax benefits currently in force?

As for building renovations, even the installation of a photovoltaic system on the roof of their home provides for the application of tax deductions equal to 50%. The Italian Administration then returns to the citizen the 50% of the amount spent on tax cuts in 10 years. So, no longer provides, as in previous years, the incentives on the energy produced.

Photovoltaic systems. Advantages or disadvantages?

Remember that a photovoltaic system for domestic use usually produces as much as it is consumed. So you can’t talk of earnings or savings. Important is the ongoing maintenance required. The photovoltaic panels, in fact, need a monthly cleaning (in addition to extraordinary cleaning during inclement weather). This obviously will require a significant financial investment that is often not “counted” on contracts.

What to pay attention before signing the contract?

It is important to check that the contract specifies the costs of:

  • installation
  • connection to the distribution network
  • plant warranty
  • maintenance

In fact, these costs will all be charged to the consumer and they are in addition to the rate payable.

Pay attention to frauds. What to do about it?

Have you signed one of these contracts? Bringing your case before a judge probably you will do cancel the contract and get a full refund of instalments already paid. Unfortunately also in Italy the regulations in force are not quite clear.

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