Pleasant Pursuits &#8211

Pleasant Pursuits &#8211

Perhaps in no branch of our manufactures has England become more famous than in that of those prime necessaries of the workman—his tools. According to an old-fashioned saying—we were almost saying saw—”Tools are half the battle.” It might be said three-fourths. And from the earliest days, when one in boyhood frequented workshops and watched with…

André Roubo: Elbow Grease, Tallow and Books &#8211

André Roubo: Elbow Grease, Tallow and Books &#8211

Editor’s note: The below entry is part of a series of articles we have commissioned Brian Anderson to write about André Roubo in preparationd for the publication of “To Make as Perfectly as Possible: Roubo on Marquetry.” Brian, the translator for “Grandpa’s Workshop,” also wrote this entry on Roubo’s famous dome. It must have been…