Sociable Settles &#8211

Sociable Settles &#8211

When you come to think of it, settles were the only form of traditional oak furniture that were not used for dining; they were for resting, conversing and drinking. As such, they were sociable, not hierarchical. Unlike other forms of seating, settles did not embody the social hierarchy in which great chairs were reserved for…

Friday: A Tantalizing Peek at the Studley Tool Chest &#8211

Friday: A Tantalizing Peek at the Studley Tool Chest &#8211

Most of the verbiage I’ve read about the H.O. Studley tool chest has been misleading, candy-coated or just silly. I can say this because I’ve spent the last five years embedded with Don Williams, the author of our forthcoming book “Virtuoso: The Tool Cabinet and Workbench of H.O. Studley.” Thanks to the scholarship of Don…

HandWorks Photos &#8211

HandWorks Photos &#8211

HandWorks – Amana, Iowa May 24-25, 2013 Several weeks ago I made the long journey to Iowa for the HandWorks tool event being held at the Amana Colonies. Because many woodworkers were unable to attend the event, I have assembled a gallery of photographs to help document everything that transpired. I’d like to thank Jameel…

We Interrupt this Bench Build… &#8211

We Interrupt this Bench Build… &#8211

…for another bench build. Yup. With my massive French oak Roubo workbench squatting unfinished on sawbenches, I’m prepping stock for a second workbench I’m building on Monday and Tuesday for a DVD for Popular Woodworking Magazine. The “high concept” for this bench is it’s “Pretty Woman” meets “Starship Troopers.” Wait, wrong blog. No, it’s figuring…