Get a job. &#8211

Get a job. &#8211

Prior to my most valuable education. Every so often someone contacts me to ask for advice about quitting a day job and going into furniture making as a full-time endeavor. They’ve taken some classes and built some pieces — sometimes eye-poppingly impressive ones — on their own time. Some have had paid commissions and amassed…

Two Short Stories: Renaissance Hijinks and a Nova Scotia Legend &#8211

Two Short Stories: Renaissance Hijinks and a Nova Scotia Legend &#8211

Agostino Ramelli’s 16th-century book wheel. If you are looking for some light reading to add to your digital book wheel I have two short stories for you featuring woodworkers. The first story, from 15th-century Italy, is “La novella del grasso legnajuolo” (The Story of the Fat Woodworker). The story was discovered by Andrea, a farmer…