‘By Hand & Eye’ Electronic Edition Available Now &#8211

‘By Hand & Eye’ Electronic Edition Available Now &#8211

You can now download “By Hand & Eye” by George R. Walker and Jim Tolpin for your computer or mobile device. The price is $16 and can be downloaded directly from our store here. International customers can purchase the file via PayPal by sending $16 U.S. to John Hoffman’s PayPal account at john@lostartpress.com. You will…

WIA Surprise No. 2: Anarchist Tool Chest Art Prints &#8211

WIA Surprise No. 2: Anarchist Tool Chest Art Prints &#8211

Just in case you need yet another reason to stop by the Lost Art Press booth at Woodworking in America: we’ll have limited-edition, signed Anarchist Tool Chest art prints for your viewing (and purchasing) pleasure. There are two prints on offer. One design features a collage of 22 images from “The Anarchist Tool Chest” and a silhouette…