Personal security is easy if your reduce your risk profile

Personal Security is at its very core being aware of where you are and what is around you.  For example, you can have the best locks in the world locking the door to your house, but if YOU don’t actually lock them your personal safety is at risk.  So to increase your personal security you should do everything you can to reduce your risk profile.

Quality locks increase personal security

Quality Door Locks

There are many examples of how to increase you Personal Security:

  • When getting gas do not leave your keys in the car.  Have your cell phone and your purse with you and close the door.  At night, always stop at stations that are well-lighted with a lot of traffic.
  • Walking or jogging should be in a safe place that you are familiar with.  You should always bring your cell phone with you and have an awareness of where you are.
  • When parking your car remember to lock it and to put things of value such as your GPS, laptop or tablet in the trunk or some place that is not visible.
  • You should put your purse across your shoulder and if walking along a street the purse should not be on the street side. Your wallet should be in the front pocket of your pants not the back pocket.
  • When leaving your house you should have a routine of checking all the doors to make sure that the locks are locked including the deadbolt lock.  If you have an alarm system, and you should, set it.
  • If you have a garage door, it should have an automatic garage door opener, so when you leave and return to your house you do not have to get out of your car, especially at night.
  • When driving keep the doors locked.  If you break down use your cell phone to call for help, stay in your car until help arrives, especially at night.
Lock Your Vehicle to increase you personal security

Lock Your Vehicle

When travelling, especially out of the United States, you should ramp up all of your security measures and even add some additional ones.  I will discuss these in another article.

These are just are a few examples of how to reduce your risk profile and increase your personal safety.

I think that awareness equals security.  Be aware of your surroundings and what and who is around you.  This is easy to do: you just have to change your daily habits and incorporate these into your everyday life.

I shouldn’t even be writing this blog, but this is the world that we live in today!

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