Extreme Weather Padlocks protect is all conditions

Not all padlocks operate well in bad weather, freezing temperatures, or salt air and water are padlock killers.  As the weather turns very extreme most “off the shelf” padlocks will fail to open or function properly.  So, is the solution to purchase very expensive padlocks?  The simple answer is no; however, padlocks that are designed to operate in extreme conditions tend to be priced higher than standard off the shelf padlocks.

How do padlocks operate extreme environmental conditions:

  • Most are built out of high quality brass that is usually chrome plated
  • Hardened steel shackles available in different lengths
  • Protection of the lock cylinder
  • No pins or springs in the lock cylinder
  • Patented keyways and keys (this will provide the “high-security label)

Extreme Weather Abloy PadlockMost padlocks operate by the key pushing the locking pins in an upward direction until they reach the “Sheer” line and the lock opens.  Springs provide a downward force on the pins.  This means of operation is fine for most normal weather conditions; however, when it turns extreme, the pins and springs can freeze or get dirt or other debris in the pin chambers.  When this happens the padlock jams and will no longer function.  This is when you see people heating their locks with a torch or squirting a solvent in the lock cylinder in an attempt to clean it out.

Extreme weather padlocks do not have locking pins or springs.  They operate on a “disc rotating principle”.  The locking pins are replaced by discs; no springs are used or needed.  When the special key is inserted into the lock and turned the discs rotate to the open position determined by the cuts in the key.  These locks do not have individual pin cylinders; instead all of the discs are positioned on a sleeve.  This is the reason why extreme weather conditions do not have the same effect of these padlocks as they do on regular padlocks.

Extreme Weahter  Abloy PadlocksPadlocks of this type have keyways that are protected by a patent.  This is so the keys can be controlled and sent to Authorized Service Centers to be cut and controlled to the end user.  These padlocks are referred to as “high or maximum security padlocks”.  They are not available from the big box stores and are only available from authorized service centers or distributors that are under contract with the manufacturer.  As stated above, they cost more than standard padlocks, but in return you get a high quality padlock that will last many years.

For additional information go to our site LsiDepot.com.

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