Update to ‘The Stick Chair Book’ &#8211

If you ordered “The Stick Chair Book Early Adopter Digital Package,” you should have received an email with an updated link. 

I found an error on page 530 of the book – two missing mortises – that we repeated in the full-size patterns. So we fixed the mistake and issued new pdfs for the book and the full-size patterns. It’s not a huge error. A drawing earlier in the book shows the mortises correctly. And the text is correct. I suspect most of you would do the layout correctly and might not even notice.

It has been one of those weeks where everything feels like it is spiraling down the toilet bowl. Last week while making divider legs, an end mill self-destructed – destroying the fixture that holds our dividers’ legs and damaging the mill’s chuck. Estimate: No dividers for three weeks.

And the chair on my bench is fighting me every step of the way. I trashed two shoes yesterday before settling on something that might work. But I’m looking at this chair as I type this, and I suspect this one might be a burner.

There is some good news: Megan and I finished sharpening up a batch of finished dividers and sent them to the warehouse. So we will have some dividers in the store to sell shortly. And our machinist thinks he might be able to fix the damaged fixture in the mill.

Still, it’s one of those weeks where I fantasize about switching places with a friend who is a third-shift security guard at a factory. The place is so quiet and automated that he spends most of his time writing songs in the control room.

— Christopher Schwarz

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